Coronavirus and Avian Flu Tidbits #305, July 28, 2024


First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting.

Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that.

I've been having trouble w my website, as you likely noticed, and this week's Tidbits didn't go out on Sunday...or Monday...

If you are missing a post, you should be able to see it by scrolling down here:

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New posts:

The Shortage Of Blood Culture Bottles Will Hurt Patients In Surprising Ways

We appear to have learned nothing about having stockpiles of critical supplies and not relying on a sole source. More here.

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Swimming In The Seine Isn’t The Only Health Risk For Paris Olympians And Fans

With 11+ million visitors from all over the world descending on Paris, you can look for Covid for sure, and perhaps measles, dengue, and waterborne infections. I wouldn't want to be there. See what is in Paris now.


Covid levels in wastewater continue to rise nationally for the 12th week. Levels increased 13% between July 6 and July 13 per SCAN. We have to rely on wastewater and emergency room visits as the CDC has failed us, no longer collecting more detailed data.

And now WastewaterSCAN, a private group based at Stanford University in partnership with Emory University, has stopped gathering data from 43 wastewater facilities. WastewaterSCAN was founded in 2020 and is backed by the Sergey Brin Family Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies. Verily, which processes samples for WastewaterSCAN, scored a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveillance contract late last year.  - Stat

Walgreens cont to be valuable. DC has the highest testing rate since February 15, and had positivity over 50% around the July 4 holiday.  As of July 20, the US positivity rate increased 39.6%.

California, especially San Francisco, has notably high levels.

Per JP Weiland, there are 760k-900,000 new Covid infections per day, with 1 in every 44 people in the US infected now. It's worse in some areas! 1 in 26 in the West, 1 in 29 in the South.

Per Sara Anne Willette's,  Oregon and Florida are currently the worst.

KP.3 Variant is increasing, especially in Japan and India thus far. Typical symptoms of the KP. 3 variant include high fever, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, headaches, and fatigue.

Surge in KP.3.1.1 detections

In its latest variant proportion projections, the CDC reported a big jump in KP.3.1.1 viruses, an offshoot of KP.3 that scientists this week said is poised to become dominant because of its higher infectivity and immune evasion. KP.3 and its relative, KP.3.1.1, together make up more than 50% of variant sequences.

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Trial of Paxlovid for Prophylaxis fails

2736 people--5 vs 10 day prophylaxis vs placebo did NOT reduce risk of infection from a family member.

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Longer flights increase the risk of getting a COVID infection

- a 1 hour increase in flight length, there is a 53% increase in risk of getting infected.

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“We are Volunteers for Paris 2024 and we resign due to the lack of Covid-19 measures

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COVID increases risk of diabetes

The risk of type 2 diabetes remained high beyond the first year after SARS-CoV-2 infection. The authors estimate that, in England alone, the added burden of diabetes due to SARS-CoV-2 infection represents a 15% increase in new cases.

Diabetes carries substantial costs for individuals and societies. It is associated with devastating complications, decreased quality of life and early mortality.

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Another study - Covid accelerates brain aging and reduces cognitive ability

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SARS-CoV-2 infection predisposes patients to coinfection with Staphylococcus aureus

Patients w Covid who develop a Staph aureus blood stream infection exhibit higher rates of mortality than those infected with either pathogen alone.

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Review article on Lessons for Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality:

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Review by @Zalaly: Long Covid:

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Avian Influenza:

Colorado has now reported nine cases among workers at the two layer farms. The state had earlier reported another case in a dairy farm worker, bringing its total to 10 in recent outbreaks. Colo Dept of Public Health has a new dashboard:

Colorado is currently grappling with ongoing outbreaks affecting dairy cows, and the B13.3 genotype circulating in cows has been confirmed in at least one recent outbreak at a massive layer farm in Colorado, along with a worker on that farm.

Dept of Agriculture reported a third recent outbreak, this time at a layer pullet facility in Weld County that houses about 300,000 birds.

Officials also reported two more outbreaks on dairy farms, raising its total to 51. The avian flu outbreaks have affected nearly half of the states licensed dairy farms. In response to the ongoing escalation, Colorado's state veterinarian ordered mandatory weekly bulk milk testing.

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Colo Dept of Ag: Immediate, mandatory weekly testing of dairy bulk tanks. Done by state certified vets & sent to certified labs. Serious Leadership Note, also provide free PPE to farmworkers.

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Since H5N1 was first detected in US poultry in early 2022, more than 100 million bird losses have been reported across 48 states, according to APHIS.

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A new study provides evidence that a spillover of avian influenza from birds to dairy cattle across several U.S. states has now led to mammal-to-mammal transmission—between cows and from cows to cats and a raccoon.

"This is one of the first times that we are seeing evidence of efficient and sustained mammalian-to-mammalian transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1,"

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New @Nature

The spillover of avian to cattle H5N1 flu, an investigation of outbreak in 9 farms —evidence for efficient and sustained mammal-to-mammal transmission is unprecedented —DNA sequences of transmission "underscoring the ability of the virus to cross species barriers"

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Hong Kong announced suspension of imports of poultry meat and products, including eggs, from specific regions in the US, following recent outbreaks of H5N1 Last year, Hong Kong imported ~37,770 tonnes of poultry meat and ~84 million eggs from the US.

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The @UKHSA United Kingdom's Health Security Agency (HSA) yesterday updated its risk assessment for H5N1 avian influenza B3.13 genotype from three to four on a six-tier scale. -- sustained or multispecies mammalian outbreak, incr human spread. What is the US waiting for???

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Oropouche virus

Brazil has recorded the world's first Oropouche virus deaths, the country's health ministry said Thursday, after two women died of the illness spread by infected flies and mosquitos.  The women from the state of Bahia in northeast Brazil were "under 30 years old, with no comorbidities, but who had signs and symptoms similar to a severe case of dengue," the ministry said.

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Database of studies on the health impacts of climate change.




still an incredible, negligent last of testing.



Fit tested respirators are best but even masks not designed for airborne pathogens like baggy blue surgical masks when used for source control (on someone who is sick) can reduce viral load released into enviro by 74% which isn't 98% but better than 0
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A randomized trial in over 4,500 participants for surgical masks [2 weeks, public places] vs controls [no masks] found a 30% reduction (3/100 absolute) of respiratory symptoms consistent w/ infections

Epidemiology/Infection control:

Tips, general reading for public:






It feels like a lifetime ago since Biden stepped aside and endorsed Kamala Harris. And Dems, thus far, aren't showing their expected disarray. Fingers crossed.

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Joe Biden waited until after the RNC so they would attack him and not Kamala, spending all of their money and research on him only. This, folks, is how you protect your VP and simultaneously level up to master troll

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Feds: - Good news!

FEC voted to end exorbitant phone and video call rates that have burdened incarcerated people and their families for decades.

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Universal basic income:

We are happy to release the first results of a RCT of a US program that provided $1,000/month unconditionally for 3 years to 1,000 individuals in the treatment group, with a group of 2,000 people receiving $50/month serving as the control. These are sizable transfers...

3) The transfers are substantial, representing a ~40% increase from total household income at baseline, and they are sustained over a relatively long period of time. Further, the sample size was large enough to enable us to detect fairly small effects.

4) The transfers were gifts from non-profit organizations and not taxable. Participants remained eligible for almost all other benefits. Further, the program was targeted at low-income individuals but, once enrolled, participants could earn a high income and still receive $.

6/ This matters because many programs are means-tested, creating a disincentive to work. In our study, any impacts we observe are due to the pure income effect of having more money. 7/...

In the eyes of a policymaker, not all activities are equal. Policymakers may care whether people are doing things that increase their future productivity, like going back to school or starting a business. 10/
They could also care whether participants spend time taking care of children or elders or volunteering in their communities, because these activities could have positive spillover effects. 11/...  long thread

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Wannabe Dictator says the quiet part out loud:

Trump: You have to get out and vote. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore.. In four years, you won’t have to vote again.

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San Francisco Chronicle:

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Patrick Orlando, the former chief executive of the SPAC that took Trump Media public, has been charged with securities fraud over the deal - Hugo Lowell

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Jared Kushner’s grandparents relied on aid and shelter as refugees, documents show.

Trump's hard-liner, Stephen Miller, is a descendent of asylum seekers, too.

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2011-13, TFG donated $6k to Kamala Harris. She said she donated it to charity.

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Here's the only JD Vance sentence you need to understand him: "We want to promote the types of virtues that exist in Kyle Rittenhouse." - @JeffSharlet
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You know how people are worried about foreign investors buying up US farmland?
There's a company that helps them do that!
It's like Uber for buying US farmland.
And who's one of its key investors, profiting off of every sale? J.D. Vance.
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JD Vance: “We need to be really ruthless when it comes to the exercise of power...I don’t think there’s a compromise that we’re going to come to with the people who currently actually control the country. Unless we overthrow them in some way, we’re going to keep losing.”
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J.D. Vance wrote the forward to a forthcoming book from the head of Project 2025 that outlines their plan for a "Second American Revolution."
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JD Vance thinks people who don't have children "shouldn't get nearly the same voice" as people who do and proposes giving parents an extra vote for each child they have.
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2021, JD Vance said that Vice President Kamala Harris is one of the “childless cat ladies” who is “miserable” with her life and has no direct stake in America because she is not a mom.
[It was impressive to see not only her stepdaughter jump to her defense, but also the ex-wife of Doug Emhoff, her husband].
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Kamala Harris:
VP: I was a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type.
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Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs a bill loosening safety regulations for child workers.
Gov Tim Walz (Minn) signs a bill for universal free lunch for kids.
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San Francisco health officials advise indoor masking amid summer COVID wave It has been more than a year since a major health organization recommended masking for those not at elevated risk other than in health care settings.
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~500 Golf carts at The Villages, a ruby red Trump enclave, turned out to support Kamala!
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state school superintendent declines to adopt a popular AP African American Studies course, which means no state dollars can go to the class.
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Gov Beashar signs executive order restoring the voting riges of 180 K+ felons.
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A Missouri judge has ordered the release of a wrongly convicted man, Christopher Dunn, but the prison ignored the judge's order at the direction of Republican Attorney General Andrew Bailey. Today the judge told the state to release him by 6 pm or else.
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North Carolina:
NC gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson and wife were cited by DHHS for falsifying criminal background checks
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MAGA candidate for NC governor Mark Robinson's family given 15 days to repay $132,118.86 in taxpayer funds
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For the second time in two weeks, neo-Nazis wearing shirts reading “whites against replacement” and carrying swastika flags gathered in downtown Nashville. One of the white supremacists assaulted a teen with a flagpole, hitting him in the face and ribs.
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Texas -
Still funding fossil fuels...I’m guessing Houstonians would love to have solar powered micro-grids with natural gas backup powering senior centers, hospitals and cooling centers right now. Wait till they learn Texas set aside $1 billion for just that, but it sits dormant. - Bill Weir CNN
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The Taiwanese government is paying farmers to NOT grow rice because they need the water for AI chip manufacturing instead. We're prioritizing AI over feeding people during a drought.…


Feel good du jour:

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Comic relief:

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It doesn’t need to be “it could always be worse” but rather “what can I be grateful for in this moment.” If we learn how to do that we become incredibly mentally strong. Plus our suffering does give us skills other people don’t have - so we should use them! -@broadwaybabyto

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a bit of Joseph Campbell that makes me think of Kamala's candidacy and campaign and what we can accomplish in America. Let's burn out the pain with joy.
"Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain."

Bits of beauty:


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