Coronavirus and Avian Flu Tidbits #304, July 21, 2024


First, there is now a Resources Page here for the most commonly asked questions I'm getting.

Happy to continue to answer your questions/concerns as best I can, so don't be shy about that.

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A call to action--to defeat the GOP and protect democracy.

Given what is going on with the Supremes and in the world, it's clearly more important than ever that we work to do this. There are so many ways you can help, from GOTV, to supporting various grassroot efforts, to phone banking, etc.
There are 3 groups I work with and recommend:
Strongly suggest checking out NOPE Neighbors
VoPro Pros:

Work to register Dems in swing states. Field Team 6: MISSION:  Register Democrats.   Save the World.

Please share: Great explanation of - How to build the blue wave in 2024!

also, Maryland is now important to get involved in. If Hogan wins the Senate race, he will work w the Right wing Republicans. He is not the "moderate" many believe him to be.

This week's news is progressively scarier, with the Republican convention highlighting their vengeful plans, the media and some donors trying to run Biden and Harris out, for whatever reason, and ignoring tRump's abundant faults. They're fawning over him is pushing his coronation.

This is no time to sit out the election because you don't like Biden, or whoever the Dems hastily nominate in their (likely misguided) rush to replace him.

I've also texted with VoteRiders this week--and you can, too. They're focus is on helping voters get the ID that is needed for states with restrictive ID laws like Wisconsin, Ohio, and Georgia.

Want other suggestions? Prefer calling? Email me. Thanks.

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Good explainer on Project 2025:

Searchable Project 2025


Summary from Stat:

  • "CDC wastewater data indicates “high” viral activity in July, though nowhere near levels of this past January, or the peak of January 2022.
  • This new outbreak may be due to the typical waning protective effects of booster shots people got in the fall, as well as quickly mutating Omicron subvariants.
  • As always, immunocompromised patients are most at risk, though a new — if expensive — treatment is available to them, the monoclonal antibody pemivibart.
  • Vulnerable populations should get a booster now, and then an updated one once it comes out in a few months."

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Test positivity, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations—the main markers the CDC uses to gauge virus activity—are all rising, especially in seniors and especially in western states.

Earlier this week, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene said on X that COVID-19 infections are increasing in the city, and it urged people—especially seniors and people with underlying medical conditions—to consider wearing masks in crowded indoor settings.

The percentage of ED visits for COVID, considered an early indicator, rose 23.5% last week compared to the week before.

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New from @CDCgov's biweekly SARS-CoV-2 variant projections KP.3 strains have grown to more than half of all COVID-19 cases of this summer's wave, when adding together KP.3 (32.9%) and KP.3.1.1 (17.7%)

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The red line shows the current (5th) year of the pandemic. Transmission is >3x higher than what is typical for this time of year (gray line).

Graph shows a non-standard uptick in transmission this year, relative to the same point in prior years.

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COVID-19 hits migrants, refugees especially hard

Migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people have an 84% higher COVID-19 infection rate and a 46% higher COVID death rate than the general population, a new systematic review and meta-analysis in EClinicalMedicine reveals.

migrants often live in crowded housing, work in essential and high-risk jobs, and lack support from the government. Also, social norms can increase the risk, such as expectations to attend community events.

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COVID-19 doubles the risk of children developing Type 1 diabetes.
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Vaccinations and Long Covid
Among unvaccinated people, the cumulative incidence of #LongCovid declined over the course of the pandemic from a high of 10.4 per 100 adults infected in the pre-delta era to 7.7 per 100 adults infected in the omicron era
Among vaccinated people, the cumulative incidence of #LongCovid declined from 5.3 per 100 adults infected in the delta era to 3.5 per 100 adults infected in the omicron era
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Admission screening testing of patients and staff N95 masks are cost-effective in reducing COVID-19 hospital acquired infections

all scenarios were cost saving with health gains. Staff N95s + RAT admission screening of patients was the cheapest, saving A$78.4M and preventing 1,543 deaths state-wide per annum. Both interventions were individually beneficial: staff N95s in isolation saved A$54.7M and 854 deaths state-wide per annum, while RAT admission screening of patients in isolation saved A$57.6M and 1,176 deaths state-wide per annum.

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Study: COVID can trigger changes to the immune system

that may underlie persistent symptoms Over 90% of #COVID-19 survivors had no neutralizing antibody activity at 10 months, implying that they had lost protection from reinfection.

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Tour de France:

"The Tour de France has reintroduced protective measures against COVID-19, with race organisation, media and guests now required to wear masks... following a number of COVID-19 cases in the peloton in recent days. Tom Pidcock, Juan Ayuso and Michael Mørkøv are among the riders to have abandoned the race after contracting the virus, while Geraint Thomas remains in the Tour despite testing positive for COVID-19." [Cycling News], via VioletBlue

"It's damning of the state of healthcare that they are reinstating mask mandates at cycle races before they reinstate them in hospitals." - Lucky Tran

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Cats get Covid

At least one clinical sign was identified in 16 cats seropositive to SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (16/38; 42%). While seropositivity to SARS-CoV-2 antibodies was not associated with the presence of one or more clinical signs, the prevalence of cats with at least one clinical sign was 2.12 times higher amongst cats with detectable viral RNA compared to those without.

Sneezing was the major symptom, followed by lethargy, vomiting, discharge, or cough. Tests are often negative.

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Avian Flu:

Officials probe heat-wave factors in H5N1 spread to Colorado poultry cullers

As the investigation continues into recent avian flu infections in as many as five workers who culled Colorado poultry, officials today said that industrial fans in poultry barns where temperatures exceeded 104°F could have spread the virus through windblown feathers and through the air, potentially reducing the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Also, early genetic analysis suggests that the virus that infected the poultry and the workers is the same H5N1 genotype infecting dairy cattle, a useful clue for officials who are examining connections between the farms....

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Bird flu invades the brain of mammals

Perhaps when a mammal takes a bite out of an infected bird, viral particles in the meat gain a direct path to the brain via nerves lining the mouth & digestive tract We cannot stop paying attention
  • Cranial nerves, especially the olfactory nerve, are important routes of neuroinvasion for HPAI H5Nx viruses. [also trigeminal nerve and facial]
  • HPAI H5Nx viruses have a broad neurotropic potential and can efficiently infect and replicate in various CNS cell types.

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Replication of H5N1 in cows

H5N1 infection reproduced in dairy cattle via aerosol (heifers) & intramammary (cows). Mild respiratory symptoms and RNA in heifers, showing potential for respiratory transmission. Dairy cows had severe signs with virus shedding in milk up to 24 days.

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Rick Bright:

1st sequence of the #H5N1 viruses from Colorado human cases reported over weekend posted in @GISAID (in only 3 days is very fast). See link below for trees. Interestingly, the virus appears to cluster w/ viruses from dairy cows & cow milk and NOT with previous wild bird or poultry viruses....

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Thanks @RajlabN ...  So people working on poultry farm w/ huge #H5N1 outbreak, were infected w/ virus containing clear marker for virus from dairy cows. Either workers also work on dairy farm & got infected there, or massive 1.8M poultry outbreak likely caused by virus from dairy cows, then infected humans.

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Six people who work at a poultry farm in northeastern Colorado have tested positive for the bird flu, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported July 19. This brings the known number of U.S. cases this year to 10.

The workers were likely infected by chickens, which they had been tasked with killing in response to a bird flu outbreak at the farm. The endeavor occurred amid a heat wave, as outside temperatures soared to 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

“The barns in which culling occurs were no doubt even hotter,” said CDC principal deputy director Nirav Shah at a July 16 press briefing. Wearing N95 respirators, goggles, and other protective gear was a challenge. Industrial fans whipped feathers around the facility that could have carried the virus, Shah added.

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Colorado health officials have given us new details about the 5 human cases of H5N1 bird flu.

• Another 16 symptomatic workers were tested yesterday

• In total: 69 symptomatic workers, 5 positive so far

• Test results still pending

• Antiviral medication given to 150 workers--@BNOnews

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Remember that family in Oregon who suspected they got bird flu from their kid’s baseball game?

A CDC doctor told them it was “just seasonal flu plus pink eye” and the local health authority said they’ll only take action if the state lab says to.

They were unable to get tested. -- @mo_journeys

and Rick Bright, 7/19:

I also hear from farm workers who believe they’ve been exposed & infected w/ #H5N1, very symptomatic. They’ve reached out to @CDCgov  for help, guidance, and mostly testing. They say, outreach has been ignored; no follow up, no call back, no investigation, no help getting tested.

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Other Infections:

New fungal infection discovered in China

Live Science  By Emily Cooke  July 16, 2024

Scientists in China uncovered a species of fungi that had never before been seen in humans. They say warmer temperatures could drive its evolution, for the worse.

The fungus, called Rhodosporidiobolus fluvialis, was found in clinical (blood) samples from two unconnected hospital patients. In experiments, the researchers found that the yeast was resistant to several first-line antifungal drugs at higher temperatures — around that of the human body. This temperature also gave rise to "hypervirulent mutants" capable of causing more-severe disease in lab mice.

The findings "support the idea that global warming can promote the evolution of new fungal pathogens," the researchers behind the discovery wrote in a report published June 19 in the journal Nature Microbiology.

The scientists made this discovery after examining fungi sampled from patients in 96 hospitals across China between 2009 and 2019. In all, 27,100 strains of fungi were collected and analyzed; of these, only R. fluvialis had never been seen in humans before.


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National shortage of Blood Culture Bottles!!!

I can't stress enough how serious this shortage is. One third of patients hospitalized with sepsis may die prior to discharge. Best practice recommends collecting at least 2 sets of blood cultures prior to antimicrobial therapy to help identify organisms....When a patient has a bloodstream infection it is absolutely critical to use the right antibiotic. Blood cultures give us this life saving information.

Without this, people are likely to remain on unnecessarily broad spectrum antibiotics and risk more side effects.


still an incredible, negligent last of testing.




Fit tested respirators are best but even masks not designed for airborne pathogens like baggy blue surgical masks when used for source control (on someone who is sick) can reduce viral load released into enviro by 74% which isn't 98% but better than 0 ( ).

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How switching to an N95 mask gives a 75x boost in COVID protection “N95s are up to 75 times more effective at preventing infection with COVID-19 than surgical masks, according to a study”

Epidemiology/Infection control:

Tips, general reading for public:






Criminal indictments by administration:

Carter                1

2Bush 1st            1

Clinton              2

W Bush            16

Reagan             26

Nixon               76

Trump            215

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More than 22 lies at TFG's acceptance speech:

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A network of ultrawealthy Christian donors is spending nearly $12 million to mobilize Republican-leaning voters and purge more than a million people from the rolls in key swing states, aiming to tilt the 2024 election in favor of former President Donald … including the families behind Hobby Lobby and Uline, Jockey...their group is named Ziklag, after the city where David and his soldiers found refuge during their war with King Saul.

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The Trump campaign and RNC are suing to block voter registration at the Veterans Affairs agency. (Democracy Docket)

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On the day that Trump announces that he'll remove sanctions from Russia, Vance says it's time to sanction Ukraine. It's time for Americans to understand that Russia truly owns these guys completely.

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Project 2025

Project 2025 shifts taxes from the wealthy to the middle class— a family of 4 earning $100K would suffer a $2,600 tax hike, while a family earning $5 million would get a $325,000 tax cut.

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searchable document so anyone can compare Project 2025 w/ Agenda 47. Spoiler alert: #Agenda47isProject2025 check the content table below & search away! Shareable link:


5 months ago, Alex Jones and InfoWars guest Ivan Raiklin discussed how assassinating Trump would be beneficial, according to them, because it would lead to retaliatory “in kind” assassinations of a “deep state” list which includes President Joe Biden. Ivan Raiklin: “If they [assassinate Trump], option 2, behind Trump, is going to be so much better for us and so much worse them.” - @patriottakes

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This might be a good time to remember that Bill Clinton’s assault weapons ban reduced mass shooting deaths by 43% - but after George W Bush & Republicans allowed the ban to expire, mass shooting deaths skyrocketed by 239%. -@anyonewantchips

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Shooting in Butler

I’m old enough to remember when a MAGA caravan tried running a Biden campaign bus off the road in Texas and the former president retweeted the video of it replete with a soundtrack of 'Red Kingdom' by, Tech N9ine, called them patriots and said he loves Texas! - @ReportingfromNY
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Mike Pence sent a condolence card to trump. It said “Sorry about the assassination attempt, it happened to me at my last job.”
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In case you forgot, Trump suggested assassinating Hilary Clinton “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”
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JD Vance, was caught thanking the leaders of Project 2025 for their work banning abortion and defunding Social Security and Medicare.
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Vance's hometown paper: Columbus Dispatch editorial round-up: "Then Ohio could get rid of the lying, bootlicking, butt kissing, weak-willed, integrity lacking, sickening obsequious sycophant."
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Vance: I go back and forth betw thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon (who wouldn't be that bad, and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler.
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Vance’s wife clerked for Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts.
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CBS News: Hungary’s Viktor Orbán seized control of universities rewrote the Constitution and neutered the courts. Is that what you're advocating for in the US?
JD Vance: I think Orbán made smart decisions that we could learn from in the US. (June 2024)
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JD Vance: “We need a De-Ba’athification program in the U.S....We should seize the administrative state for our own purposes. We should fire all of the people...every single middle-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state. Replace them with our people.”
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JD Vance recently pressed regulators to let police in anti-abortion states access women’s private medical records in order to hunt down & prosecute those seeking legal abortions in other states, according to documents reviewed by

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It looks like MAGA didn't know J.D. Vance's wife was a brown immigrant and they are having a hard time accepting it.
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JD Vance and his wife were previously close friends with a trans classmate at Yale Law. That all changed in 2021 as he eyed running for senate in Ohio. Vance will throw his friends, family, and loved ones under the bus for political power.
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JD Vance, May 2021: “We need to be really ruthless when it comes to the exercise of power...I don’t think there’s a compromise that we’re going to come to with the people who currently actually control the country. Unless we overthrow them in some way, we’re going to keep losing.”
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It’s beyond clear from evidence that Trump would not have chosen Vance, and that Musk, Sacks, Carlson et al pushed Trump to select him. This suggests Trump and Vance are beholden to that network, and are also aligned with Putin’s interests. The only thing more terrifying than…
Trump and his capriciousness is this scenario, where he is not only beholden to Putin’s network, but also fully disposable. He is a beaten, pathetic man, and knows that if he steps out of line, he’s never more than an inch away from being erased. And indeed, there will be…
an incentive to have him gone. Once November 5 comes, he should employ a taster, avoid windows, and stay indoors. He will become fully unnecessary, and even in the way of this team of would-be Red Caesars.  - Dave Troy
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Russian foreign minister Lavrov endorses JD Vance.
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On Mass Deportation Now signs at GOP convention:
Guess they don’t eat. The majority of the food that feeds America is from our domestic food supply. Brought to you by immigrant workers - from the fields to the roads to the checkout counter.
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"Elon Musk has said he plans to commit around $45 million a month to a new super political-action committee backing former President Donald Trump’s presidential run," per WSJ.
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Arizona, the model for voucher programs across the country, has spent so much money paying private schoolers' tuition that it's now facing hundreds of millions in budget cuts to critical state programs and projects.
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Federal Court DISMISSES Trump campaign and RNC lawsuit challenging Nevada mail-in voting law. A big victory for our clients and the voters of Nevada. Another loss for the vote suppressing GOP. (Democracy Docket)

Feel good du jour:

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Comic relief:

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Bits of beauty:


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